6 Ways Assisted Living Provides Peace of Mind

3 years ago

For many senior adults, assisted living is an excellent option. It allows those who need a little extra assistance to… Read More

4 Great Houseplants for Senior Living Apartments

3 years ago

Houseplants are a cheerful addition to any room. Not only do they add a burst of color, some studies have… Read More

My Dad Needs a Speech Therapist. What is That?

3 years ago

By Stephanie Strickland What exactly is a speech-language pathologist (SLP), or “speech therapist,” as they are frequently called? When someone… Read More

3 Reasons Seniors Should Try a New Hobby

3 years ago

Retirement should never be boring. In fact, it’s just the opposite - and many senior adults report that they have… Read More

Exercise for Senior Adults: Unnecessary or Fountain of Youth?

3 years ago

By David Burch Not long ago, it was common belief that older adults didn’t need to exercise — retirement was… Read More

Why Seniors Should Get an Annual Eye Exam

3 years ago

Taking good care of your health means eating nutritious foods, spending time outdoors and getting plenty of rest. It also… Read More

Simplifying Your Finances to Maintain Your Independence

3 years ago

Jim Davis, CPA (and ACV’s Director of Legacy Giving) has spent the last forty years assisting people with their financial… Read More

Hurricane Season Is Here, Here’s How To Be Prepared

3 years ago

Each year hurricane season begins on June 1st and lasts 5 months, with storms typically peaking in August and September.… Read More

How to Start a Senior Book Club

3 years ago

Summer is the perfect time to reconnect with old friends and make new ones. If you’re looking for a great… Read More

Reopening ACV’s Campus After COVID-19 Shutdown

3 years ago

ACV is excited to announce facilities are open to the public after a long 15 months of COVID-19 shutdown. We… Read More