110th Anniversary Capital Campaign

Founded in 1913, Advent Christian Village has a rich history of carrying out its mission of expressing Christ’s love through services provided to senior adults, families and children for the past 110 years.

The path has not always been easy, with times of great hardship. Yet, adversity often turned into opportunity. Many times, God has worked through His people as they have generously responded, transforming crisis into blessing. In August, ACV experienced a great trial in Hurricane Idalia. Nearly every facility on campus sustained damage, with estimated damages of more than $4 million. The effects will be felt for years, but through these difficulties, opportunity again presents itself.

In the assessment of buildings following Idalia, the Pa Agner Farm Center — where the Grounds Department is housed — was deemed uninhabitable, requiring a new home. This creates an opportunity to fulfill a longrange plan of a centralized general services facility.

As we look to the future, it is important to continue to focus on infrastructure needs and financial stability. One of these needs is the restoration of the natural beauty of the campus after the damage done by the hurricane.

In response, the Board of Directors has approved a new capital campaign with projects that will address these current and future needs. It is with excitement that we announce the four components of ACV’s 110th Anniversary Capital Campaign: Restoration & Resurgence.

General Services Center

This new facility will eventually house the maintenance, grounds and housekeeping departments in one location. When all phases are complete, it will include offices, meeting spaces, supply storage, warehouse space and vehicle bays for ACV’s fleet.


Johnson Hall Assisted Living Facility

Johnson Hall was originally announced as part of the 100th Anniversary Capital Campaign. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the project was placed on hold. Over time, the cost of this new building has increased substantially, requiring additional funds to complete construction.

Campus Replanting/Restoration

Hurricane Idalia wreaked havoc on the natural beauty of ACV. Through the 110th Anniversary Capital Campaign funds, we are seeking funds to replant trees and landscaping to re-beautify the campus.

Cornerstone Projects

When you give toward Cornerstone projects, you are providing funds for needed infrastructure improvements. Cornerstone Park will be a beautiful setting where we will honor those who contribute $10,000 or more (after this campaign $25,000) towards infrastructure or for endowment, helping to ensure ACV’s future financial stability.

Naming and honor/memorial opportunities will be unveiled in early winter 2024. Anyone giving a total of $1,000 or more for this campaign will have a name of their choosing etched on a brick paver in Cornerstone Park. We invite you to be part of this important campaign of restoration and resurgence into the future.

Cornerstone Park street view


We need your help. Please consider pledging your support to one or more of these important projects. Pledges may be paid on a schedule that you establish—preferably within three to five years of the date of your pledge.

For more information, or to choose a memorial or honor opportunity, please contact Darleen Hinrichs or Craig Carter at (386) 658-5110 or 1-800-714-3134.

To make a pledge to the capital campaign, please download and mail this form. To make a one-time donation, go to our secure donation page. Thank you for supporting ACV in this way.

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