Dealing with clutter is a common struggle. A cluttered home, however, is a safety issue, and clearing it should be a priority. Plus, when we live in a clean, organized environment, our mood improves.

  • Clutter is a fire hazard
  • Clutter leads to mold, mildew, bugs, and the health problems they bring
  • Clutter is a trip hazard, causing broken bones and debilitation
  • Clutter can block emergency services from getting to you quickly

How to begin:

Sort one small area at a time—one closet, one dresser, etc. and do it for only one hour. Set a timer. Doing a small section at a time will help keep you from becoming fatigued before you can complete the task. You will be less overwhelmed. Once your hour of de-cluttering is up, find a way to celebrate your progress and set a date for the next de-cluttering session.

What to get rid of:

  • Clothes that don’t fit, are out of style or have not been worn in a year.
  • Anything that doesn’t work or isn’t used
  • Things that will be willed to someone after death—give it to them now
  • Trinkets—pick out a few favorites and sell the rest

What to do with items that are still useable:

Donate them to a second-hand shop or charity of your choice, some of which will pick up donations at no charge.

Sell items in a yard sale or on eBay to generate extra spending money.

If you are hesitant to part with some items, box them up and put them into storage. Determine to get rid of them if they are not missed in 6 months. Mark it on your calendar. Decide now where they will go and label them to avoid having to go through them later.

The benefit of clearing the clutter is a cleaner, safer, and more organized home, with room for the things that you really need and enjoy.

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