Home > Five More Years!
CARF-CCAC (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities – Continuing Care Accreditation Commission) announced that Advent Christian Village (ACV) has been awarded a Five-Year Term of Accreditation. The announcement came early this month following an on-site survey at the end of September.
Accreditation is official recognition that ACV is guided by internationally recognized service standards and best practices. CARF accreditation consists of ongoing consultation and in-depth on-site reviews to help organizations achieve the highest quality of care for its customers. Accreditation is a public statement that ACV strives to ensure that its services are of the highest possible quality and integrity.
This latest accreditation is the fourth consecutive five-year CARF-CCAC accreditation that has been awarded to Advent Christian Village. An organization receiving a Five-Year Term of Accreditation has voluntarily put itself through a rigorous peer review process and demonstrated to a team of surveyors that it is committed to conforming to CARF-CCAC’s accreditation standards. Furthermore, an organization that earns CARF-CCAC accreditation is commended on its quest for quality programs and services.
For more information about the accreditation process, please visit the CARF website at www.carf.org. For additional information about Advent Christian Village, visit our website at www.acvillage.net or call (386) 658-5291.
10680 Dowling Park Dr. Live Oak, FL 32060
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