Home > Plan a Fall Foliage Foray
For many, the beauty of fall is one of the highlights of the year. As leaves change from shades of green to yellow, orange and red hues, the landscape takes on a glow that delights and inspires. But for the average Joe, it’s hard to know exactly when trees will be at their best. Here is a handy guide provided by About.com to use if you’re planning a fall foliage foray.
The Connecticut dominant colors are yellow, orange and red. Foliage season begins in mid-to-late September and extends through mid-to-late October. Peak color is estimated to be between Oct. 11 and Nov. 1.
The dominant colors of Maine are red, purple and yellow. Southern Maine and coastal areas typically reach peak colors mid-October while western mountain areas peak earlier in the month.
The dominant colors of Massachusetts are orange and yellow. During the first week of October, plan a visit to the western and southeastern regions for foliage. Peak foliage occurs mid-October for the central area of the state while the eastern regions pop with colors during the end of the month.
New Hampshire’s dominant colors are yellow and red. Generally, the best times to view the fall colors are near the end of September in the far north, the beginning of October in the White Mountain region, and the middle of October in the south.
The dominant colors of New Jersey are yellow and red. Peak viewing for inland New Jersey is mid- to late October. Late October to early November is the best time for foliage in coastal areas of the state.
New York’s dominant colors are red, orange and yellow. New York is known for great foliage, so plan your trip sometime between the last few days of September through the month of October. The Adirondacks and Catskills will provide the most opportunities for great foliage sightings.
Pennsylvania’s dominant colors are red, orange and yellow. Peak color is expected during early October for the northern region of the state. The central region typically reaches full color the week of October 12–18. For southeastern Pennsylvania, peak occurs during the last two weeks of October.
The dominant colors of Rhode Island are red and orange. Peak viewing for Rhode Island is mid- to late October.
Vermont’s dominant colors are orange, purple and red. Northern Vermont reaches peak between the last week of September and early October. Early to mid-October is peak time for southern Vermont.
The dominant colors of Illinois are yellow and red and its peak time is mid-October to early November.
In Iowa, the dominant colors are yellow and red. Peak fall color occurs in northeast Iowa, on the average, on the weekend closest to Oct. 10. Peak fall color occurs later in the more southern parts of the state.
Michigan’s dominant colors are red and orange. The far western quarter of the Michigan Upper Peninsula peaks from mid-September to early October, while all other areas in the Upper Peninsula peak from late-September to mid-October. The expected peak color for the Lower Peninsula is from late September to late October.
In Minnesota, the dominant colors are red and orange. On average, peak fall color in the northern one-third of the state occurs the middle of September to early October. The central third of the state is most colorful between late September and early October. Southern Minnesota trees reach their peak late September to mid-October. One exception is the North Shore of Lake Superior where peak fall color arrives roughly one week later than areas located inland.
The dominant colors of Missouri are orange, yellow and red. The peak of fall color in Missouri is usually mid-October. By late October, the colors have faded and the leaves are beginning to drop from the trees.
The dominant colors of Ohio are yellow and orange. Though there is always a chance of delay due to weather and climate changes, most trees peak during the second and third week of October. Late in the month tends to be an ideal time to visit the southernmost areas of the state.
Wisconsin’s dominant colors are orange and yellow. Early to mid-October is peak foliage time for the state of Wisconsin.
In Alabama, the dominant colors are usually gold, orange and red. Fall colors will begin showing in the mountains of north Alabama in early October and then sweep across the region. Colors will be at their peak from late October to early November.
Arkansas’s dominant colors are gold, orange, red and purple. The last few days of October and the first few days of November are Arkansas’s peak. If you need to plan well in advance for an Ozark fall foliage trip, your best bet is coming over the last weekend of October, or the first weekend of November.
Georgia’s dominant colors are orange and gold. Early to mid-November are the best times to see fall foliage in Georgia.
Kentucky’s dominant colors are yellow, orange and red. Peak fall color for the state occur late October to early November.
In Maryland, the dominant colors are yellow and red. In southern and central Maryland, peak colors are on display in late October and early November. If you can only visit during early October, visit parks around Garrett County.
In North Carolina, the dominant colors are red and orange. Inland areas of the state can expect peak foliage around mid- to late October. The coastal regions of North Carolina typically hit peak from late October to early November.
South Carolina’s dominant colors are yellow and orange. Late October to early November is the best time to view the stunning foliage South Carolina has to offer. State parks are great places for viewing.
The dominant colors of Tennessee are red and yellow. Typically the northeastern mountain regions see their peak during the last two weeks of October. Across the state, colors peak from mid-October to late November.
In Texas, the dominant colors are red and yellow. The entire month of October is prime for spotting fall foliage in Texas, but peak is typical mid- to late October.
The dominant colors of Virginia are yellow, orange, purple and red. Inland Virginia reaches peak foliage from mid- to late October. Coastal Virginia typically reaches peak from late October to early November.
In West Virginia, the dominant colors are orange, yellow and red. The state reaches peaks from late September to late October.
The dominant colors of Colorado are yellow and gold. The month of September is the ideal time to witness this gilded spectacle, but you have to time it right — the color is fleeting, lasting only about a week in most places. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to predict when exactly the leaves will turn in any given location. The best strategy is to select your travel dates in advance, but not your destination, then go wherever the color is.
The dominant colors of New Mexico are yellow and orange. Peak viewing in New Mexico falls around beginning to mid-October.
In Oregon, the dominant colors are yellow and red. Mid- to late October is the average peak foliage time for Oregon.
Utah’s dominant colors are yellow and red. Utah’s fall color season gets underway in early September at higher, northern mountain locations and continues into November in lower, southern area.
The dominant colors of Washington are yellow and red. Fall color in the state typically begins in mid-September and peaks in mid-October.
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