Home > Support ACV’s Ministry > Planned Giving
If you’re passionate about supporting the ministries of Advent Christian Village, there are many ways you can create a legacy that will continue your support after your lifetime. Here are a few options for planned giving.
A charitable contribution in your will makes it possible to give a larger gift than most people can make during their lifetime. To leave a gift to Advent Christian Village in your will, please use the following language:
I hereby give, devise and bequeath to Advent Christian Village, Inc., a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization located in Dowling Park, FL,
If I have designated a specific use for this bequest, it is understood and agreed that should that purpose cease to exist, then the use of this gift is at the discretion of the President of Advent Christian Village, Inc., who may devote said bequest for such other uses and purposes as it determines to be in accordance with my original intent in making this gift.
To assist you with your plans, the Senior Director of Donor Engagement can provide the language for the program or area you wish to support. This confidential service is available to you without obligation.
It is a good idea to notify us of your plans to include Advent Christian Village in your will, because:
You can make a gift to Advent Christian Village and receive guaranteed fixed payments for life. Payments may be significantly higher than your return on low-earning securities or CDs. Gift annuities can be established with a gift of $10,000 or more and, as charitable gifts, they are irrevocable. Annuities can provide income for one or two people and offer tax benefits for the donor(s). The giver can choose to begin receiving payments immediately or defer payments.
A simple way to give from your estate after your lifetime is by completing a Change of Beneficiary Form to name Advent Christian Village as a beneficiary of all or part of your bank account, brokerage account or life insurance policy. You can also name Advent Christian Village as the beneficiary of a retirement plan, such as an IRA or 401K.
With a gift to ACV of $10,000 or more, you can name an endowment and establish its purpose. Each year, 5 percent of the earnings from the endowment will go to support the purpose you determine. This is a great way to support Advent Christian Village each year, both now and after your lifetime.
To discuss one of the above options or to learn about other planned giving options, please call Darleen Hinrichs, Senior Director of Donor Engagement, at 1-800-714-3134 or email dhinrichs@acvillage.net.
10680 Dowling Park Dr. Live Oak, FL 32060
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